Opinion of the majority of the Federal Supreme Judicial Court was that the judgment of the Florida Supreme Court violated relevant provisions including the equal legal protection in the Constitution. 联邦最高法院多数意见认为,佛罗里达州最高法院的判决存在着违反宪法平等法律保护条款问题。
Leave aside whether the US government, majority owner of general motors, is fit to pass judgment on Toyota. 姑且不论美国政府作为通用汽车(gm)的大股东,是否适合对丰田(toyota)做出判断。
As the little reference to the results, the majority of studies have explored only by virtue of subjective judgment, the doubts inevitably incomplete. 另外由于可参照的成果甚少,大多数研究只能凭借主观判断摸索,难免有以偏概全之疑。
While the majority rule and business judgment rule are the basic factors which lead to the break of corporation ownership and controlling right, which, vice versa, guarantee the break of the two. 而资本多数决原则与商业判断规则是引发和加剧公司中的所有权与控制权分离的基本因素,反过来又成为保障所有权与控制权分离的主要机制。